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Why Choose Us For Your
Pool Deck Resurfacing Project
Quality Material
We carry a wide variety of products selected from the finest manufacturers. Each one evaluated and chosen for a specific need.
Highly Competitive Warranties & Service
We believe in the benefits of our product and the services we provide. We want you to enjoy are products and are service for years to come.
Convenient Installation
Quick, easy and convenient scheduling to save you time.
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What We Do?
Core Services We Offer
Pool Deck Repair

Crack Repair

Rock Features & Slides

Build a New Deck

Stamped Concrete




Pool Deck Resurfacing

We Are Proud To Offer Awesome Free Pool Deck Resurfacing & Repair.
Benefits Of Concrete
Pool Deck Resurfacing
A pool deck can be one of the larger investments you’ll ever make, especially if you plan to spend a lot of time out in the sunshine. It’s a place to invite your friends over for a Saturday afternoon filled with laughter and drinks. It’s a place where your kids can perform their first cannonballs with pride. It’s where you can stretch out after a long day and finally get some R&R.
With such an important investment comes a lot of decisions that you, as a pool owner, need to make. Your options for pool decks are many and varied, so the choice can be confusing and more stressful than it really needs to be. We can help you make the best choices for your needs while keeping you in the budget, and give you the cool pool deck you’ve dreamed of.
Various Colors & Designs
The most comprehensive selection of colors, coloring techniques and design options in the Las Vegas area.
From smooth, stamped, hand textured, broom finished or sprayed CT has a wide range of texture options to fit your style and needs.
Competitive Price
You will find our prices very reasonable when you consider how convenient it is working with CT and the expert advise and added information, and services that CT offers.
All of our recommended products have endured the test of time. Many of the products and systems we currently install have been used for over decade. We know what to expect from them and they have been proven to meet our customers long term satisfaction.
UV-Ray Resistant
All our products will not significantly fade due to the sun.
Scratch & Slip-Resistant
CT has several slip resistant options. CT has surface options that are twice the strength of concrete and are scratch resistant.
Material: The Building Blocks of Your Pool Deck
There are quite a few great options when it comes to what the base material for your deck will be. And while each has their own pros and cons, from difficulty to install to challenges in maintenance, the three most popular can be narrowed down to:
● Pavers – from simple to complex, pavers can be a beautiful choice and are easy when it comes to pool deck restoration and pool deck resurfacing because individual pavers can be removed and replacement pavers can easily be put in.
● Concrete – while it may seem like a bland option, reminding you of the old community pool, in reality, concrete can make for a cool deck for pools. The easy ability to pattern, texturize, and even color concrete means our team can design your custom pool deck to match a variety of themes.
● Wood – this is the classic choice for decks, dating back since the start of pools, and our team knows how to make this affordable option modern, stylish, stain resistant, and even slip resistant to be the cool pool deck you want.
Whichever material you choose, and there truly is no bad choice, you don’t want to leave the task of installation to just anyone. A poorly installed wood pool deck, as an example, could break or rot quickly. And loose pavers can be a dangerous safety hazard that will require a pricey fix. Allow our experts to do what they know best and install the perfect pool deck for you, leaving you to sit back and enjoy the finished product. If you do not currently have a pool and are looking for new construction, check out our partners at: Pool Builders Las Vegas.
Extras: The Icing on the Cake
Once you have the basis of your pool deck decided and designed, it’s on to the extras. These can include design choices, like stains and paints, or safety improvements, like slip resistant coatings. And these options are as vast as the base material options. The most popular choice by far today is a method called Sundek. This perfected technique allows us to add the following to any concrete deck, whether new or old:
● Colors – want light brown concrete? How about a darkened black? Or maybe even a light, happy pink if you want to go a more unique and creative route? All of these are doable so let your imagination run wild!
● Textures – many commercial and residential pool decks use the Sundek Classic Texture. You’ve probably stepped on a Sundek Classic Texture pool deck once or twice and there’s a good reason. It’s proven to be the safest and most stylish and the installation is quick and painless.
● Designs – if you’d rather not have your pool deck look like one flat surface, we can use our specialized tools to transform your concrete, including designing it to appear as carefully laid stone. This is a surefire way to wow your guests for a fraction of the cost of real stone.
Kool Deck, often misspelled as Cool Deck, is another process that allows our techs to minimize the temperature of your pool deck. The coating lowers the surface temperature of almost any surface and adds a texture to help with slip resistance. Both of these quick and easy methods can revamp your old pool deck or add flair to your brand new addition and make a boring pool deck a cool pool deck. We can also paint, stamp, surface, or texturize many other materials and surfaces to perfect your pool deck to your desires.
We Deliver Every Skilled Trade For Full Project Management & Satisfaction.
Maintenance: Keeping Your Pool Deck Beautiful
To avoid both highly expensive and extremely expensive pool deck repair, or worse, complete pool deck renovation, here are some preventative measures you should take to maintain your deck:
● Pool Deck Resurfacing – with resurfacing, pool deck life can be extended and save you the hassle of having to tear out old concrete, or other surfaces, and put in new ones. Through pool deck resurfacing, we can make any old deck look new and make it weather resistant, stain resistant, and sun fading resistant, so you can spend more time jumping in your pool and less worrying about dreaded sun fading splotches.
● Crack Repair – no one wants to host a pool party and have their guests notice all of the cracks in their pool deck. Not to mention, cracks open the door to weeds, bugs, and water that can damage the underside of the deck. We can fill in those cracks and stop them from getting bigger, so that your house, and your backyard oasis, can be the place to be again.
● Deck Resealing – there are many benefits to selling your pool deck. Some of these include color enhancement, chlorine protection, and even protection from sun damage and fading. It’s important to reseal your deck periodically to maintain the look that you’ve invested so much time into creating.
All three of these protocols are important to follow. They can save you a pool load of money in the long run and keep your pool looking new. Furthermore, all of these steps should be taken with any pool surface, whether concrete, wood, pavers etc. While the tools used to do the job may be different, every material needs to be maintained. Check out this site if you are looking for pool service in Camarillo, CA.
Pool Deck Repair: Saving Your Pool Deck
There’s nothing worse than having to condemn your pool deck. In many cases, our team can fix the problems, so you can keep your deck and enjoy it the way you used to. But, sometimes, it’s necessary to take drastic actions so you can swim again. The two main possibilities are restoration and renovation. What’s the difference?
● Pool Deck Restoration – this is when we make your pool deck look like the first day you used it, like the last paver was just placed or the last square of concrete was poured. We’ll work with you to bring it back to its original state in all of its glory.
● Pool Deck Renovation – if you don’t want to go back to the old, we renovate and design something completely new. This is when you can go from wood to concrete or from stamped to stained. It’s like starting fresh with a blank canvas, so get creative, tell us about your vision, and we’ll make it a reality.
While it can be a stressful or disheartening process to redo your beloved pool deck, it doesn’t have to be. Our team provides a pleasant environment while we get to work and fix what needs to be fixed and build what needs to be built. Your new deck is possible and we can make it happen.
Are you ready to make your pool deck dreams come true? Or are you looking for some help with your deck breakdown crisis? Whichever it is, we are here to provide for your deck needs, whether they be routine maintenance, like pool deck resurfacing or restaining, or last resort options, such as pool deck repair or renovation. If you can dream a pool deck, we can make it, maintain it, and bring the fun to your backyard. Also, if you are in the Kansas area, be sure to check out bathroom remodeling Kansas City