Pool Deck Resealing in Las Vegas
Pool decks are the most important component of any residential or commercial property that has a swimming pool. Your home’s value can increase by nearly 10% with just one coat of sealer! Sealers also protect your investment from UV rays, chlorine, and algae growth. For additional protection against these factors, you may opt for a two-coat application to increase the lifespan of your new look. Working with our team guarantees:
- High-Quality Materials
- Affordable Prices
- Expert Technicians
- Warranty
- Design Flexibility
Ready to learn more? Call us today for more information.
What are the Benefits of Pool Deck Resealing?
A concrete pool deck is a porous surface that can sustain damage easily if it is under constant use or exposure. So, why should you seal your concrete? Concrete is undoubtedly strong and can be incredibly beautiful; however, without proper sealing and resealing, your pool deck will begin to not only deteriorate from an aesthetic perspective but will start to feel uncomfortable. One of the reasons that sealed decks are beneficial for any homeowner or property owner is that they protect your investment in the pool area by protecting it from wear and tear and chemical damage. The additional benefits of professional pool deck resealing include:
The benefits of professional pool deck resealing include:
- Adding a fresh coat of sealant
- Covering up any potential cracks
- Improving water resistance and making it easier to maintain
- Providing a protective layer on top of your pool deck

Learn the Benefits of Pool Deck Resealing in Las Vegas
There are ample benefits to choosing a professional team to reseal your concrete! Our team can help with:

Concrete Longevity
Pool decks are exposed to a lot of wear and tear from the sun, pool chemicals, and water run-off, meaning they need proper sealing for maximum longevity. Pool water, no matter what type you have (chlorine or saltwater), will break down your concrete’s smooth and beautiful surface. Pool deck resealing will help your concrete withstand damage from these pool water chemicals, UV rays, or water run-off from rain, as concrete cannot withstand damage from these sources without an adequately installed sealant. Properly sealed concrete pool decks do not absorb heat and will last for decades longer than a poorly sealed surface.

UV Protection
If you have a concrete pool deck, it will eventually need to be resealed. Resealing your concrete pool deck is important because it will protect the concrete against UV damage. If this damage is not repaired, the concrete will eventually crack and break apart. When this happens, there are two options: either walk away from the product or replace it altogether. The latter option can be expensive and time-consuming. Before any severe damage occurs, call our team to seal your pool deck for a fraction of what you would pay to replace it!

Enhanced Appearance
If you seal your pool deck, the surface will look and feel better than one that has not been sealed at all. Pool deck resealing services help bring out the colors, patterns, and designs on your pool deck by using its natural gloss. Our company offers many different varieties of these sealants. Still, one thing is always consistent – our customers notice a significant difference in the aesthetic appeal of their pool decks post-sealing. One of the best parts about having your pool deck sealed is that it ensures that it will last for decades without looking old or worn out.

Minimize Staining
One of the most common problems affecting concrete is that it will stain if not properly sealed. Not being sealed will allow stains to penetrate deep into the concrete and become irreversible. Various things can cause stains, such as animals, food, and drink. To prevent this from happening, a professional should be contacted in order to seal your concrete for you. This will ensure that your concrete is protected from any future stains so long as the sealant is applied regularly. Resealing can also prevent stains from becoming rough or uncomfortable to walk on.

Prevent Mold Growth
Concrete resealing helps existing concrete surfaces gain protection from water damage and other outdoor elements that could cause corrosion. This type of concrete sealing process is beneficial for the concrete and any nearby surfaces because it seals against water seepage and airborne spores. Concrete resealing can prevent mold growth on an outdoor pool deck. Concrete decks will naturally absorb water, which causes mold to grow and the release of carbon dioxide through natural chemical reactions. To avoid this type of problem, our team can apply a sealant to the surface before water damage has occurred.

Decrease Deterioration
Spalling is a severe problem that can lead to significant concrete damages to your pool deck. Spalling is a type of concrete degradation that happens quickly and without warning. Some common signs of spalling are a peeling surface or flaking surface. These types of surfaces can result from water freezing and thawing deep inside the concrete pores, which causes cracks. How do you protect your pool deck from spalling? You can re-seal, paint, or apply other sealants to keep your pool deck protected and looking new! We can go over spalling areas with patches or overlays that are compatible with your design needs.

The most affordable way to keep your pool deck from damages is to reseal it. A professional seal will help you avoid repairs, replacements, and maintenance of your concrete. This saves a lot of money in maintenance costs every year. When looking for an affordable way to keep your pool deck looking its best, always be sure to have your concrete surfaces professionally sealed. Our team is dedicated to keeping your pool deck looking great with our affordable sealing options!

Minimize Surface Temperature
Cool Deck Coatings can help create a cooler, safer surface for your pool and outdoor space. They usually cost a bit extra but will be worth it if you want a comfortable pool deck surface all year round. Cool deck coatings are highly recommended for homes with children and people with delicate feet because of the incredibly cooler surface it helps to create. They’re also used on pools that need protection from impact, sun exposure, or stains. Cool Pool Decks reduce heat build-up by 40% and give aging surfaces new life with their cool surface temperature.